Linda L. Meier
Official Site of Kidstories
Welcome to my website. I’m an accomplished author with a child's innocent view of life. I’m delighted by the positive responses my work has received. It would not have been possible without God's help. He gives me ideas and when the words hit the page they change every day happenings of children to a Jesus focused perspective. I’m looking forward to sharing my future stories
as they come to fruition.


I've been writing poems and short stories since
I was in grade school. Most of what I write is faith related. My life is rooted in Jesus and has been most of the time. There were years I put me ahead of Christ but that didn't last long. I missed Him too much and suffered more than I thought possible without Him.
But during that time I learned life is short and without a purpose it is so very sad and lonely. With Him I found joy, love, and peace. With Him I found meaning and wanted - needed - to share all He gives me with people, both young and old. So I write kid stories for all ages.
When I Am Afraid
When you think of all the things we do there seems to be no end.
Each day is filled with happenings which on God we must depend.
Think of the days in your past that make you cringe with shame;
I’m sure you’ll see it was just you who should take all the blame.
Ponder the times you found true joy you’ll learn it was of God;
The path you took probably was not exceedingly trod.
Put Him ahead, behind, and add Him to each side;
Don’t take the direction which He does not abide.
Your faith and trust in Him will take the eternal fate
Of you and all you love, and bring it to heaven's gate.
Pray. Ask Him to guide each step you take in this fleeting life;
All you do will mirror Christ’s own without all of the strife.
That’s not to say trouble will never come your way.
But with the Lord on your side, blessings far outweigh
The evil that lurks in darkest corners of your mind.
Remember it's in Christ’s blood your pardon has been signed.
Please don’t forget to read Psalm fifty-six verses three and four.
When you think you are alone think again; He’s at your heart's door.
When I am afraid, I will put my trust in you.
In God, I praise his word. In God, I put my trust.
I will not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?
Psalm 56:3-4 World English Bible (WEB)