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By Their Fruits

Writer's picture: MarkMark

Updated: Mar 17, 2019

Any fool can find a Biblical quote to support their cause. I’ve heard atheists say, on live radio, they qualified for Heaven because, “By their fruits you will know them.” Since they were feeding the hungry, they’re getting the reward. “Judge not, lest you be judged.” Another one. The whole passage in Romans that lists a bunch of things that disqualifies people from salvation. “God so loved the world that He sent His Son . . . .” I could list dozens of misquoted bits of the Bible that are all missing the point. One of my favorite verses is John 3:17 – the verse right after “God so loved.” That one basically says Jesus didn’t come to condemn, but to save. So why in the world are people so dedicated to condemning others? Why do atheists think that works can save them, when the Bible specifically states that works alone will not save? Only Jesus can do that. That person on the radio who claimed he (and those with him) were going to Heaven really didn’t know what the Bible taught in that verse. The fact is, there was confusion about people claiming to be people of The Way (as Christians were called at that time), and the only way to tell who was REALLY a Christian was . . . by their fruits. So if a person says they’re a Christian, check out what they do. By their fruits you will know them. There are plenty of people who claim to be representatives of Christ, but lie, cheat, and steal, and ignore the pained, destitute, and homeless. It’s a negative kind of test, not a positive one. I’m sure a lot of folks who attend church most Sundays won’t be taking the trip to Heaven. They get their pew-time, and race home in time for the game on TV. If the game starts early, well, it’s not going to hurt to miss a week. The real issue is what comes first in your life. If it’s not God, then it doesn’t matter what kind of “good things” you do. Here’s another quote for you: “Faith without works is dead.” That really means that if you have faith, you will do good things. You can’t help it. And it’s not because God said to do it, it’s because you love God and He wants you to feed the poor, and all those other things those atheists are doing. There’s a guy I know who does amazing things to help others. But if he doesn’t do them because he loves God, it’s empty. He (and you) cannot earn your way to Heaven. There’s only one way to get there – Jesus. I’m not saying that. God did.

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