Way back in the cave man days, when telephones were still attached to walls, the handset used to talk to people was connected by a helical cord that would allow a person to take a step or two away from the unit and still talk to people. If a person wanted to go high class, they could get a really long cord to move about through a whole room! Sounds primitive, I know, but it was. One day, when I was still living with my parents, we got our first cordless phone. Not only could we walk around the room, but throughout the entire house. I even tried to see how far away I could get and still make a call. (About two blocks, BTW. As more and more electronic interference moved into the area that was cut down to a single block, then eventually to less than a hundred feet.) Cell phones make a cordless unit look like stone age technology. I know, your dinosaur doesn’t even use them, right? Now imagine your walk with Christ. You start off with a unit attached to a wall, but you have to sit “right there” to use it. Eventually you get a longer cord, and you can use your faith a bit further away from church. A cordless variety lets you wander throughout your community and still feel connected to God. When we first got a cordless phone, I once saw my mom need to get something off the counter top across the room – just barely in reach of the corded phone. So, still using the CORDLESS phone, my mom stopped where the cord wouldn’t stretch any further, and she reeeeeaaaaached for the paper and pencil. Getting over that didn’t take long. Soon she was meandering around the house as she chatted. But isn’t that how faith goes? You get comfortable within a certain parameter, and going outside your comfort area is scary. But what’s the use of a cell phone if you won’t talk to God unless you’re right next to the wall unit? (Yes, I’m mixing metaphors, but you get the idea.) You have a way of connecting with Him no matter were you are. You can be in church, in the parking lot out front, on the way to or from, or even at work. You can call him at the gym, you can always talk to him. You can pray both here and there, you can pray everywhere. I will pray to God above, He’s the one I really love. Okay was that a bit too far afield? Good thing I have a cell phone.
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