The books of Jeremiah and Lamentations makes me think of the situation in America. There are plenty of people calling out for our nation and the people in it to repent and turn to the Lord. But like the person named Jeremiah, few are actually listening.
The recent attack on His People came as no surprise. The aggressors have often stated they want to wipe that nation from the map. The nations who support that goal are also well known, and it seems as if nobody is doing anything about it.
Elijah ran off when he got depressed. He had a rousing victory over Baal, Jezebel put a price on his head, and it was off to the races. He hid out, and God asked him what he was doing. “Why are you here?” Elijah thought he was alone with nobody listening to him, but there were thousands the Lord had reserved for Himself.
I’ve been there. “Depressed” wouldn’t suffice for what I was feeling. “Despair” come closer, though it might be overstating things a little. That didn’t stop Isaiah, or Jeremiah, but to be blunt: I’m not Isaiah or Jeremiah.
Their main message was doom and gloom, but God would be glorified. He is in charge, and whatever happened it would serve His purposes. His People were about to go through tough times, many would be killed, but a remnant would remain.
A wise Christian should be capable of reading the times. I see how thousands of evildoers have impacted God’s People, and the possibility that thousands more could be in our country. I see the vulnerability of our power grid and have suggestions.
First off, pray. God’s people should be praying for discernment every day, so that’s not a shocking suggestion. It’s kind of a “duh” moment. “Mark, why do you waste our time with that?” Well, because I believe so many are not praying with their whole heart. I have difficulties in that area, so I’m thinking many others are, too.
Secondly, another “as if” suggestion. If you’re not already stocking up on non-perishables, it’s time to do that. Okay, beyond time to do that. When you go on your next shopping trip, tack on another few dollars worth of things that will survive past a power outage. Keep doing that until you’re stocked up.
If one thousand bad actors split into teams of five, that would be two hundred teams. If they all attacked critical areas of our electrical grid, and half succeeded, a hundred vulnerable bits would be taken off line. Anyone think there are only a thousand bad actors in the nation?
I’d like to reiterate the need for prayer. Our enemy has no defense against that. Electing different leaders isn’t enough, because they cannot save. Only faith in Christ will do that.