Way back in the day I was watching a movie with my wife. In that movie was a painting by Seurat, and that’s how I learned about Pointillism – the technique of painting in which a lot of tiny dots are combined to form a picture. It’s a mosaic.
Linda gave me the mnemonic “Seurat the Dot” because it helped her remember. That’s what I use now.
My walk toward God is like a Seurat. There are a lot of dots, and only in retrospect do I even see them as dots. My previous post was the first dot on the canvas of my life. There have been many more.
Moving forward I plan on arranging some dots for you to see. Don’t get bogged down an any one dot, because one dot by itself is meaningless. The whole canvas is what’s important, despite being made up of dots.
I hope you can enjoy a few glimpses of the dots in my life.