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  • Writer's pictureMark


One of the complaints about Christianity is this: “I don’t agree with [that] teaching.” To which I say, “Who made you God?” If I had my “druthers,” there’s a whole lot of things I’d change. But I’m not God. My perspective is limited to a few brief decades, where God sees all of the timespan of the universe. Compared to Him, we’re less than ants. Why do kids throw a fit when they can’t get the candy bar? Because their awareness is far more limited than a parent’s. Have you ever tried talking to an ant? “Stay out of my house or I’ll squash you. I’ll get the exterminator to spray chemicals and kill your whole colony.” That works even less than God telling the Hebrew nation to stop worshiping Baal. Over and over again they griped, grumbled, complained, and went ahead and did what they wanted. Over and over again God sent enemies to swat them until they cried out, “We have sinned!” Then God sent someone to lead them out of their troubles, that person died, and the Hebrew ants went were they didn’t belong. Don’t think you’re any better than them. Do you disagree with something the Bible teaches? Tough. Suck it up, Buttercup. God made everything that ever was and ever will be. If He says you should stop eating something, STOP! If He says quit doing that other thing, STOP! At the end of the book of Judges there’s a note about the people doing what was right in their own eyes. They had no standard of behavior beyond what they thought, and they weren’t God. Neither are you.

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