Let’s say you’re Warren Buffett. I’m picking that name out of my hat ‘cuz he’s a super-rich person most people would know the name of. If you’d prefer some other person, feel free to substitute that name.
Anyway, your net worth is in the neighborhood of a hundred billion dollars. Which dollar is your favorite?
I’m not casting aspersions on Buffett, but do you really think he values one dollar over another? I doubt it. In fact, the dollars he values more than others are the ones earning the most dividends.
Let’s say he has thirty million dollars in Fund X earning an annualized 18% return. Those dollars are probably pretty important to Buffett. But what about the dollars sitting in a cash account earning less than a half of a percent?
Unlike Buffett, most people who invest have a financial advisor. If an investor found out half of their money was sitting in a cash account instead of earning 18%, that money guy would get fired. “Why isn’t that money in Fund X?”
Now let’s say that money can talk. The dollars in Fund X are bragging about earning 18%, and they look down on the dollars in the cash account. “You worthless peons, you’re only earning 0.02%. We’re so much better than you.”
But even to Buffett, every dollar is still worth only a dollar. He’ll take the cash account and put it into Fund X to maximize his return. What’s special is Fund X, not the dollar.
The same with God.
Every dollar (soul) is worth the same to Him. A person living outside of His will (earning 0.02%) is just as valued as those living for Him (18%). So why should those of us in Fund X look down on the cash account? We shouldn’t.
The only reason we’re earning 18% is because God has a Fund X. We’re not super-valued because we’re in His will, we’re super-valued because there’s a Fund X - His plan for Eternity.
That’s the crux of the Bible. Everyone started out in God’s cash account, but instead of earning 0.02%, that cash account loses.
There’s only so far a metaphor can be taken, but you get the point. One dollar shouldn’t brag about being in Fund X, because we didn’t create it - God did.
All have fallen short. We all are simply one dollar among God’s investments. He’ll put us where we can get the best return, and we shouldn’t look down on folks who get the best return by sweeping the floors at the Box Store. After all, there’s someone out there who advanced God’s investments by discovering the Higgs Boson.
Which soul does God value the most? None is more important than another. He loves them all.
Just don’t get caught putting your own soul in the cash account when the Day of Judgement comes.
You don’t want to hear Him say, “You chose poorly.”