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The Narrow Path

Writer: MarkMark

The Bible teaches that the path to destruction is wide, while the path of righteousness is narrow. That’s because there is only one way that’s right, so everything else is wrong. Think of it as building a car.


What? Why bring up a car?


An automobile is a very complex piece of equipment. Back in the days of the Model T (they came in any color you like, as long as it’s black), things were much simpler. Still, it was complex enough to benefit from being constructed on an assembly line. And there was only one way to build them.


To make the example even more simple, you can’t get the ketchup out of a closet without opening the door.


I know, you’re saying, “Mark, you’re mixing your metaphors.”

To that I say, “You can’t make a metaphor without cracking a few eggs.”

After all, what’s a meta for if you can’t mix one?


Sorry. I digress into absurdity. Back to my point.


There’s a way to build a car, and if you do it wrong it won’t work. Sure, there are things that don’t have to be In That Exact Order, but things work best if your car is assembled according to specifications.


The same thing happens in life. You don’t get your driver’s license without practice. I’m pretty sure some people do, but it works best if a person practices before given carte blanche. Even then a responsible parent won’t (or shouldn’t) simply give their teenager the keys to a car without some kind of restrictions.


When making a choice in life, consider the ramifications of that choice. Is it on the narrow path, or does it put you onto the road to destruction? A person does something horrid to you, and you have a wide selection of responses ranging from slaughtering their family to selling everything you have and giving it to them.


Check the Bible to see if the Slaughter Option is on the narrow path. Nope. God clearly states you shouldn’t kill. That omits a lot of options that include mayhem.


Should revenge be taken? After all, the Bible says something about an eye for an eye, so revenge should be okay, right? Nope. God says He’ll take care of the revenge part, and the “eye for an eye” part has been discussed in my message from a few weeks ago. (See May 10th, “Sanctuary City").


The pathway to building a Lincoln MKZ is a narrow one - narrower than building a Model T. Many of the steps have to be done In Exact Order, or the car won’t work. There’s a manual somewhere of how it’s best done.


There’s also a manual for life. It’s called the Bible, and is your guard rail to keep you on the narrow path.


Many times you can get it in colors other than black.


Ketchup not included.


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