There’s a part in Genesis where God takes steps to keep mankind away from the Tree of Life, so he won’t become “like us.” It’s always kind of puzzled me why that would be such a problem.
I think it was Greg Laurie who opened my eyes a bit on the subject. You see, that happened after Adam and Eve sinned. So if humanity were to live forever after eating of the tree of life, those people would be forever “fallen.” Eternally separated from God is the real punishment in Hell.
In order for God to accomplish His purposes in saving humanity, He couldn’t have them living forever in a sinful state. The purpose of God’s creation of mankind is to have someone choose Him and glorify Him willingly. No force involved. Coercion is no way to generate love, and God won’t force you.
So God chased Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, in part to prevent them from living forever in their fallen state. Jesus suffered, died, and came back to life for the sole purpose of paying the price for every sin committed by every human, so that when they die they can join God in Heaven and live forever in perfect harmony with Him.
Right now our tree of life is Jesus. Take Him into your life, and you’ll live forever with God.
Refuse, and God will honor your choice.