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Turned Away

Writer: MarkMark

I hear people say they can’t see God in whatever circumstances they’re in. I have no doubt. In a previous post about the still small voice, that was me. Can you say, “Ticked off at God?” Good! I knew you could. Another way of expressing the situation is, “Why would God allow such tragic events to happen?” The answer, of course, is that America is in the midst of turning away from God. Prayer in schools – disallowed. Ten Commandments in court rooms – disallowed. Religious icons in public areas – disallowed. “They” are even trying to get “In God We Trust” removed from our currency. There’s an organization in my state call “The Freedom From Religion Foundation.” Their goal is to remove God from everything. They succeeded in creating an uproar in my community because of a religious monument in a city park. “Somebody” complained, so they filed suit to get it removed. After a lot of wrangling and arm twisting, a local civic organization was allowed to purchase ten square feet of the park where the monument stood. In order to make it legal, they had to put a double fence around it, and city workers were forbidden from even cutting the grass there. Why is it hard to see God? Perhaps it’s because you’ve turned away from Him. Just try this: stand on the sidewalk in front of your home. Look across the street. Can you see your house or apartment? No? Why is that? Because you’ve turned away from it. Turn back around, face God, and you’ll see Him everywhere. Even through the double fencing.


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